Saturday, October 25, 2008

How To Navigate To An Airport Fsx Please note, a memory

an arrow that does not stop turning, just as the North. I can not help
stare at the arrow, is as free and as a slave at a time.
But suddenly the arrow starts to fall apart in space and is attracted to beyond what I can perceive, along with the four colors that I could not even have a aproximacióny my attention is trapped by pain in his stomach.
no longer view it is useful to me, I have to sharpen my other senses. The pain is quite noisy, but above all is acidic. Something
flies and I can not remember what I was thinking, I see, has a needle lands on me.
I look, I see, perhaps, ifsomething lively in this room besides me, I nailed her needle, "shit! Fire! "I do not know how but something tells my arm I hit that, I feel his body get rid bones as inert mass ball drop and see me in your needle, hold the view I do not say anything, the taste is salt.
I remember having seen a memory. I was going for it, but my attention is resisting and fighting against my will.
A small trace of pain in my head reminds me that I forgot my body palliative thousands of people while I advance slowly to despair.
"Think of something else, pens & aacute, otherwise, think of something else. "
memory. Come by the memory
: hand my will, my atencióny my stupidity.
I, the mattress, the four colors, bullets, arrow, needle, blood, my will, my atencióny my stupidity we merge and write.


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