mana mine. And thanks
Pilu, is beautiful the place we discovered, until the next mate.
I said I found mom and dad and my sister, in this new life I have sister, had never been.
After losing all my strength I walked 15 blocks talking to his ghost, and went, with the worst of the kisses, the cruelest of hugs, and left.
I walked two blocks but did not know exactly where I was going, I ran into a wall.
At that moment as I asked an old woman and her dog where she was, called me SergLXC From there I went that day, I went back there.
Castelar I lost half a year.
flipped, I am excited ... despair. Hopefully one day
sure to check your neck.
Here I am, I can no longer running time. I'm going.
If I medicate, the game is over.
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