Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I-catcher Console - Web Monitormotel Two fics ill do one good, desu: c

Title: A couple of Shilene
: Manuel González / A guitar, Pueblo Mapuche (Aileen, I mean, my version of Mapuche)
Warning: This is the WORST side of the side xD Manu not speak English. AU . (The song is Anarchy in the UK, the Sex Pistols. I apologize for that. Poor things.)
Abstract: A two-step plan to superstardom, according to Manuel Gonzalez.

In Shilene

was fifteen when he got the brilliance.
At home, had an old guitar AC &so his mother would not respond, just turned his hand to the amplifier, increasing the volume to maximum before returning to his new electric guitar strumming.
Courtesy, of course, the recent sale of an ancient acoustic guitar

found some time ago. At that point, it was a relic, and he knew of old things. Second hand list.

Title: Chronicle of a miracle, according to Martin Hernandez couple
: Chile / Argentina

Warning: Narrated in first person, and as I am shulena IS HORRIBLE. I do not know where I got I could do this LOL. Manuel drunk. GAKU! Hetalia.

Summary: For when something happens, the first thing to do is contact the phone. Right? Chronicle of a Miracle, sec & uacArts, less bastard. And typically, that we are nothing and that's not my ... Subject míoy sucks! If the idiot is making it up to feel more manly, you know how it goes, it is not

and other freight.

Finally, I looked at that

wants putearte face up to the mother ... but just accepted. Dead before rejecting a beer, I suppose, and after a while we were both taking as people began to arrive. If it were not so convenient, I would think to take it to Alcoholics Anonymous, ché. Who knows maybe you asshole you to accept him & iacute; a few drinks just because they drink. Ligerita

Manu was full and had about seven beers in a row. What about cigarettes? Do not know where they took out, it was like Doraemon

... yeah, yeah, this attempt at blue cat, You understand me! I politely

inspiration, ché, who will not tell you shit.

I was two, I wanted to be conscious all the time you know? Someone had to drag after Manu. The only problem with that was when Maria and the others reached the bubble burst happy, everything was going great until that moment! - Bah, & am; Oacute; over after that. And it is quite literally, because we fell to the ground. Come to think, maybe that was not so deliberate to fuck But, what is was with the intention!
Yes, if I gave a statement as of the novels of late - "I can not hang out with anyone else, but vo'h podí'h do what any egg querai'h ; that you are crossing, "verda'h?" What's wrong with my accent, "Boludo? If I get rough! Like it!
top, had a smell of drink that gets you drunk & aacutr part) angry You saw it? Well, imagine so, red as a tomato (who knows why) and with his face twisted. What? If even I got scared, asshole. Do you remember when we fought in the Victoria? Like, skinny, I tell you I was sure I was going to aforrar.


very descarao ', or at least that I understood what I said. And now get ready, which is the best, if even going to congratulate me ...

but still, to me that he does best. Haha, No! If I'm not kidding. already, asshole! Stop interrupting me the fuck up, that ... E-

me a little!


Manu! What are you doing awake at this hour, ché? "Was heard saying the Argentine, followed by silence, and the unmistakable voice of Manuel angry ..


"... do you do? I'm going. Half an hour ago you said you ibai 'to make breakfast, aweonao'


Sorry, Manu, I forgot! Is that this asshole and called me ... But do not go, if I do that ...!


No, no, keep talking just a moron. I tacked, I have fed weas that h


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