Title: Simplicity
Pairing: Fudou / Kidou
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven
Warning: Read at your own risk 'mija. Because it's bad. MALOOO. Bad as hitting a grandmother, giving a bus and let a dog starve.
Probably all of it was much simpler than it seemed. Yes, certainly was a thousand times easier, and he, with his highly proclaimed intelligence, and should have solved the problem. Ten minutes
should be enough for undoinglooked in the mirror, hesitated
their sex appeal, his position, the fact that I could do whatever he wanted ... Were only a few seconds, but hurt more than anything. Perhaps the only way to be worse, would have seen the arrogant smirk of Kidou. It was a simple pleasure, almost childish, but so effective that far exceeded the memory of having saved the world almost, with a simple soccer ball.
Well worth it, really.
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