- Knox, do you look? Finally snorted the owner orBlige to look at him as he, from the other table, watched him repeatedly with white eyes fixed on the largest black. It was ... pretty ironic. And even if they had not even talked, but could not bother with him, and himself.
Perhaps it was the only time I agreed, was not sure, Knox never said anything and was content to take the hand and force him off the road.
- not fight for such a little boy "were his words. Theo squeezed his hand and looked down, feeling her cheeks turned on while vowing that from now on, never call again "or & ntilde, or. "
The owner had loved from the beginning, but when it grew, it seemed that just could not leave him, not that I did not like . After all, is not that what anyone wants? Could not be better ... Or, maybe if Knox would be better left to look at, always place without any apparent expression.
never going to say, but when Knox stopped looking, he was infinitely guilty. It was from that moment, he did not understand was unbearable. was repeatedoder do wake up more than five minutes it had become frustrating, and although still not understand it, the world kept turning. Increasingly fast but Knox could do with him.
was now a good time for him to try to make it grow, "it told its owner, but Brown did not listen and just turned around, telling me to follow him, to see the others. When he left home that day, gave a last glance of apology to Knox, and decided that volveríaa not open that door. Too bad ownerhad other plans.
A month albino disease who had been his superior in some time, entered the room again, with his owner, who came ; to no expression, and casting an ironic comment on the air from time to time. Theo could not help but wonder the fact that all continue as they had left some time ago. Imagine your own by going to shake the dust off skin and clothes of Knox, pictured him talking in whispers that he had failed to grasp, and finally, I figured
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