Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Mount European Plate On Bmw 328i

ok, I'll say it only once ...

I'm addicted to MEMES KINK. Goddamnit. OTL WHY GOD, WHY?! It's so fucked up ... i think I'm gettin WEIRD than ever.

On the other hand, should work seriously, but I have no ideas. NI-A-ONE. NOTHING. IT'S HORRIBLE. There is nothing I want to say anything you want to draw, just, nothing. I DO NOT LIKE THE STREET ART. I do not want to take me prisoner, Goddamnit. 77 Sebastian fuck you, FUCK YOU

In other stories of my life ... I have wanted to make a kink meme nau, which obviously makes no sense because it would be the only writing, and that would be stupid of me LOL. Also, I know I shit, HARTA shit actually, and I have to finish the secret santa 'n stuff but ... is tempting.

What else? AHHH. I do not know, I can not believe it's the last job of drawing that I need and can not do it. Oh, btw, I have to psu and I have not reviewed any shit. Ask me about the rhetorical moron, I know three or four and all other use is a mystery. FEO A MYSTERY. (I will refrain from commenting on the math LOL)

; _;'m Suffering hereeeee.


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