ok, I'll say it only once ...
I'm addicted to MEMES KINK. Goddamnit. OTL WHY GOD, WHY?! It's so fucked up ... i think I'm gettin WEIRD than ever.
On the other hand, should work seriously, but I have no ideas. NI-A-ONE. NOTHING. IT'S HORRIBLE. There is nothing I want to say anything you want to draw, just, nothing. I DO NOT LIKE THE STREET ART. I do not want to take me prisoner, Goddamnit. 77 Sebastian fuck you, FUCK YOU
In other stories of my life ... I have wanted to make a kink meme nau, which obviously makes no sense because it would be the only writing, and that would be stupid of me LOL. Also, I know I shit, HARTA shit actually, and I have to finish the secret santa 'n stuff but ... is tempting.
What else? AHHH. I do not know, I can not believe it's the last job of drawing that I need and can not do it. Oh, btw, I have to psu and I have not reviewed any shit. Ask me about the rhetorical moron, I know three or four and all other use is a mystery. FEO A MYSTERY. (I will refrain from commenting on the math LOL)
; _;'m Suffering hereeeee.
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